Glee Deathwatch: Ashley Fink Spills on Tonight's "Moving" Episode
Kristian Dowling/Picture Group for FOX
If you've seen the title of tonight's Glee episode ("Funeral"), then you have probably already deduced that this won't be the happiest hour of TV you've ever seen. Yes, a character will die tonight, but at least we know it's not Ashley Fink's character, Lauren Zizes. She's got a National championship to win!
But more importantly, what's it like to makeout with Mark Salling? Ashley was more than happy to share that inside scoop, along with what's coming up when Glee takes New York…
Last time a character bit the dust on Glee, it was the Warblers mascot. This time, it's definitely not as light-hearted as just the death of a pet. And while Ashley can't reveal whose funeral we'll be seeing tonight, she does assure us that it will be "very moving."
Check out her entire interview below and find out how she deals with screaming Glee fans, preparing for tour, and what to expect from New Directions at Nationals. And then grab some tissues, because "Funeral" airs tonight on Fox!
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